Public Comment Letters

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Comment Title Description Search Terms Date Final Comment Letter
NM01-123 Eclipse Proposed construction of a new 90' (overall height) monoelm telecommunications tower and installation of associated equipment within an approximate 1600 SQ FT lease area. Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2022-12-30 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2334.pdf
Calle Morroco Infrastructure Improvements The City of Sunland Park will reconstruct Calle Morroco from Calle Diaz to the south approximately 760 linear feet, including pavement, drivepads, fencing, sidewalk with ADA accessible wheelchair ramps, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and waterline replacement. All existing street signs will be replaced where the retro-reflectivity is less than desirable. Proposed Action, Urban Development 2022-12-21 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2316.pdf
NM 264 MP 0-16 The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) is evaluating potential improvements to New Mexico (NM) 264 from the New Mexico/Arizona state line to Yah-Ta-Hey, the trumpet interchange with US 491 (milepost 0 to milepost 16). The proposed project has been assigned NMDOT Control Number (CN) 6101220. The purpose of the project is to improve the condition and life expectancy of the roadway, improve drainage conditions, and improve overall safety. The project is needed because the existing pavement has deteriorated, creating a rough driving surface for vehicles. Additionally, existing drainage structures are in poor condition due to scour and/or sediment fill and the current barrier system (guardrail) does not comply with the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware. Roads and Bridges 2022-12-13 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2281.pdf
Lucero CIA CIA to determine if its a suitable solar site. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2022-12-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2248.pdf
Shiprock Bridge The purpose of this project is to provide Phase II, Final Design Services for the US-64 and US-491, San Juan Bridge and Intersections Improvement Project. Proposed Action 2022-11-16 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2246.pdf
Lovington_RELHR Our client proposes to build a new 60-foot by 60-foot compound and a new guyed tower with an overall height of 205 feet in a new 65-foot by 65-foot lease area. Antennas will be installed at a CL height of 180 feet. Utilities will run approximately 72 feet west towards South Eddy Street and the existing public ROW. Cell Tower 2022-11-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2254.pdf
Pepper Ridge Gas Loop Phase 1 Pipeline Project Gas Loop pipeline 2022-11-01 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2188.pdf
Willard Species list for management plan with thinning project proposed. Forest Stewardship Plan, Wildland Urban Interface 2022-10-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2210.pdf
US 64 resurfacing project The project is on both sides of US 64 within a 120-foot wide corridor. The Rio Grande crossing is not included. The client is NMDOT. This is a planning effort. They plan to reconstruct the roadway. Likely they will be adding shoulders and improving intersections. 2022-10-20 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2198.pdf
I-40 Bridge Exploratory Review 2022-10-18 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2094.pdf
KI-HBBSNM-RL02 (22209023) The proposed project will include the development of a 10' x 10' Lease area for a proposed 4' utility H-Frame and a 140' [145' with appurtenances]) tall utility pole tower and associated communications equipment. A proposed 8' wide x ±120' long access easement will extend in a westerly direction from N. World Drive. In addition a separate 5' wide x ±105' long utility easement utility easement will extend in an southerly direction from an existing utility pole and terminate at the proposed access route 2022-10-12 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2185.pdf
NM-ASD Maverick SOLAR Proposed Action 2022-10-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2101.pdf
NM-ASD Horseshoe SOLAR Proposed Action 2022-10-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2100.pdf
NM-ASD Duncan SOLAR Proposed Action 2022-10-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2099.pdf
NM-ASD Belgian SOLAR Proposed Action 2022-10-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2098.pdf
Jicarilla solar CIA for a potential solar field. 2022-09-28 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2140.pdf
Cuba NFL Horseshoe Springs / La Cueva To do defensible space thinning around homes down to 40 to 60 square feet of Basal Area in P/J with and Ponderosa pine component or Thin to 60 80 in mix conifer. Chip slash less than 3 inches at the small end and remove all P/J Ponderosa pine firewood over 3 inches on the small end from April 1 to October 1. Chip all slash and leave firewood from Oct 1 to April 1. Thin on slopes up to 40%. Wildlife T and E was check on the BISOM web page and done with knowledge of the area by the landowners and NM Forestry Staff. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2022-09-15 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2093.pdf
Thompson Ridge Cuba NFL To do defensible space thinning around homes down to 40 to 60 square feet of Basal Area in P/J with and Ponderosa pine component or Thin to 60 80 in mix conifer. Chip slash less than 3 inches at the small end and remove all P/J Ponderosa pine firewood over 3 inches on the small end from April 1 to October 1. Chip all slash and leave firewood from Oct 1 to April 1. Thin on slopes up to 40%. Wildlife T and E was check on the BISOM web page and done with knowledge of the area by the landowners and NM Forestry Staff. Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2022-09-15 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2092.pdf
Cuba NFL Ponderosa etal To do defensible space thinning around homes down to 40 to 60 square feet of Basal Area in P/J with and Ponderosa pine component or Thin to 60 80 in mix conifer. Chip slash less than 3 inches at the small end and remove all P/J Ponderosa pine firewood over 3 inches on the small end from April 1 to October 1. Chip all slash and leave firewood from Oct 1 to April 1. Thin on slopes up to 40%. Wildlife T and E was check on the BISOM web page and done with knowledge of the area by the landowners and NM Forestry Staff. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2022-09-15 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2095.pdf
Potential Solar Site Feasibility for potential solar site, no details are known at this time. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2022-09-09 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2057.pdf
USS Gold Solar Revised Revised boundary for previously submitted USS Gold Solar project. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2022-09-09 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2054.pdf
WUI - Rock Lake Fish Hatchery October 1, 2022 - November 4, 2022 - Cut-stump treatment and slash/chipping treatment to occur post-bird nesting period and after Pecos sunflower, Wright's marsh thistle and Great Plains ladies-tresses orchid are dormant. Treatment combines chainsaw and lopper cutting of salt cedar and Russian olive and brushing of Habitat herbicide application on stem immediately after cutting invasives. Extreme care is needed within rare plant habitats. All woody slash material to be chipped. Fire Management, Proposed Action 2022-08-17 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2063.pdf
Schoup Solar Project Bap Power Corporation DBA Cenergy Power ("Cenergy") is proposing to construct the Schoup Solar Project (Project), a solar facility which would occupy approximately 22.5 acres of privately-owned land in the County of San Miguel, New Mexico (see attached Site Location Figure). The design includes 13,200 solar modules attached to a single axis tracking system. The nameplate capacity of the facility will be 7.128 MWdc with an anticipated grid supply of 4.950 MWac. Thirty-Three (33) inverters within the project footprint will convert DC power to AC and the electricity will be transmitted to existing utility poles on George Shoup Relief Rte. The remaining components on-site include a gravel access road and a 6-foot tall chain link fence & 1 inch of 3 strands barbed wire, which will surround the solar facility. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2022-08-12 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2001.pdf
D22077-9 Sierra Bonita / Commnet Wireless Replacement Tower/ Mora County, NM Commnet Wireless LLC., proposes to replace an existing monopole tower with a new 80 ft. monopole telecommunications tower in approximately the same location as the tower to be removed, and to expand the equipment area with a new 247 square foot lease area north of the existing equipment. A new fiber and power route will be installed and connect with an existing utility pole near site. The proposed site is located on the west facing slope of La Mesa and the ground cover consists of part of the dirt access road, sparse grass, and surrounding pine and scrub oak forest (not the peak ridgeline). The site has been cut into the slope of the mesa to level it for access and the existing tower and equipment, no tree removal is anticipated. The site is east of Sierra Bonita, in Mora County, NM. Existing easements will be utilized at the site. Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2022-08-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1985.pdf
Greenview For initial review only. Potential alignment. 2022-08-01 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2019.pdf
