Public Comment Letters

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Comment Title Description Search Terms Date Final Comment Letter
Historic Lincoln WUI This proposed hazard fuels mitigation project will take place on 55 acres of primarly private and some state land. Mastication in pinon/juniper to break fuel continuity while retaining group and stems >16"DRC will be the primary prescription. However near historic building hand falling and whole tree removal will be needed. While not a riparian restoration project all native riparian species will be retained and invasive removed where encountered. Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Slash Management, Forest Thinning, Wildland Urban Interface 2024-03-01 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3299.pdf
Modification 24-1 to Emma-B Exploration Project the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received an application from Freeport-McMoRan Tyrone Operations ("Tyrone") requesting a modification to the minimal impact exploration permit for the Emma-B Exploration Project, Permit No. GR083EM. The modification application (assigned by MMD as Modification 24-1) for the minimal impact exploration permit proposes drilling an additional twenty-six (26) drill holes up to 1,300 feet deep on twenty-five (25) drill pads, creating 4.97 acres of additional disturbance. The proposed drilling sites are located near previously disturbed drill pads approved in Permit No. GR083EM, approximately ½ mile south of the Tyrone Mine. Mine Drilling, Mine Permit 2024-02-20 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3176.pdf
LANL Electrical Power Capacity Upgrade Project, Draft Environmental Assessment The United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is proposing to upgrade the electrical power supply system for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). LANL requires a reliable and redundant electrical power supply to support mission programs and other activities conducted at LANL facilities. Electrical power supply forecasts project that existing transmission lines that serve LANL and Los Alamos County will reach capacity before 2027, and DOE/NNSA will not have the electrical power supply to meet mission requirements. Environmental Assessment, Transmission Line 2024-02-16 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3168.pdf
New Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application, Sugarloaf Exploration Project The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division received an application from Bonaventure Nevada Inc. on August 7, 2023 for a new minimal impact exploration permit in Grant County, New Mexico. Mine Exploration, Mine Permit 2024-02-16 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2891.pdf
Ecological Risk Assessment for the St. Anthony Mine Pit 1 On November 30, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department received the Ecological Risk Assessment for the St. Anthony Mine Pit 1, dated November 2023 from United Nuclear Corporation and General Electric for the St. Anthony Mine, Cibola County, New Mexico. Mine Closeout Plan, Mine Permit 2024-02-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3127.pdf
Carson NF Windstorm Blowdown Project The purpose of the proposed action is to (1) reduce surface fuel accumulations created by the wind event; (2) reduce the threat of insect and disease activity in the spruce-fit habitat, and; (3) remove hazardous trees that pose safety issues to firefighters and road/trail users. The proposed action is to treat a total of 2,881 acres. There are up to 17 miles of proposed temporary administrative roads; no new roads will be constructed. Existing closed roadbeds would be maintained to safely remove the forest products from the are. Temporary roads used for these activity would be closed and rehabilitated within three years of project completion. Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2024-02-01 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3193.pdf
Revision 23-1 to Continental Mine and Mill – Update to Closure/Closeout Plan The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) received an application from Freeport- McMoRan Chino Mines Company (Chino) dated July 2023 requesting a revision to Permit No. GR002RE, for the Continental Mine Closure/Closeout Plan (CCP) Update (Application). Chino provided proof of public notification of the application to MMD in a letter dated October 30, 2023, and MMD has determined the application to be administratively complete on November 6, 2023. The Application (assigned by MMD as Revision 23-1) for the Continental Mine permit proposes an updated CCP similar to the 2014 CCP with some differences, not limited to the following: 1. The 2023 Updated CCP is based on the constructed facilities as of 2023 and end of year 2026 for the Cobre Haul Road, Hanover Mountain Mine, and South Waste Rock Disposal Facility (SWRDF). In the 2014 CCP, the Cobre Haul Road and Hanover Mountain Mine were conceptual plans. 2. The 2023 Updated CCP's Reclamation Cost Estimate is based on unit costs in 2023 dollars for end of year 2026, as the greatest anticipated reclamation cost or highest liability year out of years 2023 to 2027. 3. The 2023 Updated CCP contemplates use of Cobre Haul Road and Santa Rita Mine's Upper South Stockpile as sources for cover material. At the same time, an ongoing 2022 test plot study is evaluating other cover material sources. Mine Closeout Plan, Mine Permit 2024-01-26 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3047.pdf
Mesilla Valley State Park Pre-final Design The intent of the Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park (MVBSP) Restoration Project is to implement aquatic recovery measures in the Rio Grande Canalization Project (RGCP) that would satisfy U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) obligations for aquatic and riparian habitat restoration requirements determined in the Record of Decision (USIBWC 2009a). USIBWC shared the updated pre-final design plans and invited stakeholders (i.e., DGF) to submit comments. Proposed Action 2024-01-23 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3179.pdf
Tembreull Ciudad Private Property Thinning to reduce hazardous fuels Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Management, Forest Restoration, Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2024-01-11 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3147.pdf
Walti Ciudad Private Property Thinning to reduce hazardous fuels. Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Management, Forest Restoration, Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-12-27 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3132.pdf
Scott Ciudad Private Property Thinning to reduce hazardous fuels. Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Management, Forest Restoration, Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-12-27 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3131.pdf
5-Year Closeout Plan Revision, GCC Rio Grande Tijeras Mine and Mill The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) received an application from GCC Rio Grande Tijeras Mine and Mill on June 12th, 2023 for a revision of their permit in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding the application. The application received from the operator can be downloaded from MMD's website. Mine Closeout Plan, Mine Permit 2023-12-22 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3112.pdf
DeTemple Ciudad Private Property Thinning to reduce hazardous fuel loads. Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Management, Forest Restoration, Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-12-21 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3090.pdf
5-year Closeout Plan Revision for Permit Application, No Agua Mine The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) received an application from Imerys Perlite USA Inc. on July 28, 2023 for a revision of their permit in Taos County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding the application. The application received from the operator can be downloaded from MMD's website at Mine Closeout Plan, Mine Permit 2023-12-11 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2936.pdf
Modification 23-2 Application for Brie 1, Partial Release of Financial Assurance on 5.13 Acres of Reclamation On September 6, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from Miocene, LLC, to modify permit number MK039MN. The application requests partial release of financial assurance associated with approximately 5.13 acres of reclamation performed at the Brie 1 mine located in T20N, R6W, Section 7. Mine Permit 2023-11-20 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3016.pdf
Alkali Flats Lithium Brine Phase 1 Exploration Project On September 26, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received an application from Landcaster Resources Inc. ("Applicant") requesting a minimal impact exploration permit for the Alkali Flats Lithium Brine Phase 1 Exploration Drilling, Permit No. HI023EM. The application for the minimal impact exploration permit proposes to drill three (3) drill holes up to 2600 feet deep, in Hidalgo County, New Mexico. The proposed drilling site is located approximately 15 miles southwest of Lordsburg, NM. MMD has deemed the application administratively complete. Mine Exploration, Mine Permit 2023-11-20 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3005.pdf
Hamilton Road Bridge Replacement Grant County is proposing to replace a single span bridge along Hamilton Road, near Mimbres, New Mexico. Hamilton Road is a single lane, dead end, gravel road that provides access to a few residential properties located on the east bank of the Mimbres River. The existing single span bridge crossing the Mimbres River has been closed due to the degree of scour, and a gravel, low water crossing located on the north side of the bridge is currently providing access to the residences. The road and bridge are located on easements crossing private land. Grant County is proposing to replace the bridge using state funding through the Black Fire Response and Recovery fund for design, with additional state funding anticipated for construction through the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Transportation Project Fund (TPF). The new bridge will follow the same horizontal alignment and the construction of additional scour protection is planned both up and down stream. Grant County is acting as the project proponent and lead agency on this project. Proposed Action, Roads and Bridges 2023-11-13 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3012.pdf
US 285, New Port of Entry-Study Phase IA-ID, MP 0 to MP 7 The US 285 corridor in southeastern New Mexico is a critical piece of infrastructure that has seen an explosion of use due to the growth of the oil and gas industry in the region. The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) has already invested in upgrading the roadway to provide additional capacity, improve safety, and address structural issues. Given the connectivity US 285 provides at the Texas/New Mexico border, there is a significant volume of heavy commercial traffic entering the state at this location. A new Port of Entry (POE) would help protect the state's infrastructure and improve safety for the corridor. The purpose of studying a new Port of Entry to the US 285 corridor between MP 0 to MP 7 is to facilitate the continued economic growth in the region by ensuring the commercial vehicles entering the state are safe and legal. The need arose due to of the significant increase in heavy commercial vehicle traffic throughout the corridor; gross vehicle weight (GVW) must be regulated to protect the state's infrastructure, improve safety, and ensure commercial drivers are following state law. Roads and Bridges 2023-11-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3013.pdf
Mora EMS Facility Community Development Block Grant Mora EMS Facility Community Development Block Grant Proposed Action, Urban Development 2023-11-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3020.pdf
Living Desert State Park planning NM State Parks requests that we evaluate the landscape around the Living Desert Zoo for enhancement and protection opportunities to go alongside Zoo improvements. Introductory workshop begins November 16, 2023 and the project will continue into 2024. This request is to understand the rare plans and crucial habitat concerns that occur within the property so that the state park can work to better protect them. Proposed Action, Rapid Ecological Assessment 2023-11-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2993.pdf
Sandia Mountain Retreat Ciudad Private Property Thinning to reduce stand densities to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2023-11-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2998.pdf
Las Flores Subdivision Phase II Tierra del Sol Housing Corporation plans to acquire 32 lots in a new subdivision, Las Flores Phase II, Berino NM using $165,000 of 2018 HUD SHOP funds (S-H1-80-36-0000) and $315,000 of 2019 HUD SHOP funds (S-H1-90-33-0000). These funds will be leveraged with $850,000 in private funding. The homes will be built through the Section 523 Mutual Self Help Technical Assistance Program to provide construction training for groups of 8-10 low income families to work together to build their homes. Sweat equity labor will reduce the cost to purchase the homes by low income families. HOME funds are planned to provide up to $25,000 in down payment assistance for low income homebuyers. As a colonia, Berino lacks adequate water, sewer, or decent housing. Lack of paved streets and improper drainage compounds flooding issues. More affordable homeownership opportunities are needed for low income families that experience poverty and unemployment at higher rates. 97.1% of Vado residents are Hispanic. Poverty and low income are endemic in Berino and Dona Ana County, NM. 43.7% of homeowners in Dona Ana County are cost-burdened. The median income of households in Berino at $31,731, is 47% lower than the median income of Dona Ana County at $59,726. Poverty in Berino at 19% is higher than Dona Ana County at 17.6%. 13% of households in Dona Ana County have zero net worth, meaning their debt and liabilities exceed their assets. 39% of households have liquid asset poverty meaning they lack sufficient financial resources to support themselves for at least 60 days. 6% of households are unbanked and 17% are underbanked. This project will provide new affordable homeownership opportunities in a new subdivision with paved streets, sidewalks, water and sewer utilities, and improve broadband access for rural colonia residents. The project will help low income families create assets through homeownership and equity through self-help homeownership programs, addressing racial inequities. Homeownership counseling through Tierra del Sol will increase knowledge about banking, and the obligations of homeownership. Proposed Action, Urban Development 2023-11-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3009.pdf
Pecos Pecos Wild and Scenic River permit Recreation 2023-11-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3000.pdf
Corbin Ciudad Private Property Thinning on private property to reduce stand densities and the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Management, Forest Restoration, Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-11-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2996.pdf
Valiant Ciudad Private Property Thinning on private land to reduce stand densities to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Fuelwood Management, Forest Management, Forest Restoration, Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-11-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2997.pdf
