New Mexico Environmental Review Tool: Basic Help
This guide is meant to be a general introduction to functionality of the New Mexico Environmental Review Tool (ERT). The intention is not to cover all of the system's functions, but expose the user to various tools for further exploration. Additional documentation can be found by clicking on the links below to obtain more information regarding the specific topic.
- If you are new to the ERT, click on Create new account and register to log in. This will allow to create projects and receive reports with assessments and recommendations regarding a variety of different land management activities.
- If you have forgotten your password, Request new password.
- To update your account settings, including Password, edit My Account.
- Click the Map menu to navigate to the map.
- Familiarize yourself with the Map Navigation.
- Use the Find address or place tool to find Cabezon Peak, NM, USA.
- Using the Zoom to Coordinates or Scale tool (third button from the left in the upper right hand corner of the map), zoom in to a Scale of 1:36,112.
- Add a Spatial Bookmark for Cabezon Peak, NM.
- Zoom to the Default , Previous , and Next Extents of the map.
- Perform a Feature Search using the Resource: Watersheds to find Name: Upper Rio Grande and the Zoom button to jump to the watershed.
- Add a Spatial Bookmark for Upper Rio Grande Watershed.
- Using the newly created Spatial Bookmark , zoom to Cabezon Peak, NM.
- Alter the content of the map:
- Switch Basemap to Imagery to see an aerial view of the Upper Rio Grande from the Colorado state line down to the Santa Fe vicinity.
- Work with the Layers to make them visible/invisible, view their symbology, alter the layer transparency,...
- Use the Add Resources tool to add and name data layers by entering a map service’s URL.
- Create Project to submit for environmental review. Choose from the following drawing and editing options to define the project area.
- Draw or upload a project footprint to be analyzed by the ERT.
- Select a Feature, e.g., Watersheds identified by the Feature Search performed in Step 3e, to help reference the project footprint to be drawn.
- Select a Resource, e.g., USFWS Wildlife Refuges for project actions that could take place across an entire resource management parcel.
- Make a layer visible and Identify the NM SWAP Conservation Opportunity Area in southeast New Mexico named Mescalero Sands.
- Click Next to use the features as they exist or Modify to further modify the selected features.
- Print the map
- Click Submit to submit the project for review.
- View Project for the project created. After receiving a notification e-mail, go into My Projects download and review the Project Report and Boundary Shapefile, and tabular output of the Species Results for status species that insect with the project’s impact area.
- Log out to close your session.