Search for the Final Comment Letter for a project that technical guidance staff at New Mexico Department of Game and Fish have reviewed using the filters below. If you select multiple search terms in the "Search Terms" box, the filter will return all projects that are associated with at least one of the search terms you selected.
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Final Comment Letter
WUI Defensible space work. Hand thinning. Less than 1 acre planned in this project area, but broadened the polygon to include other properties which might see additional defensible space thinning work.
Construction of a telecommunications tower facility that will include an
approximately 199-foot self-support tower and associated ground
equipment within a 60-foot-by-60-foot fenced and gated lease area.
Access to the site will be provided by an access and utility easement that
will meander in a northwesterly direction along an existing dirt pathway
from NM 337
The City of Rio Communities plans to reconstruct 0.4 mile of Goodman Avenue between Damon and Horner Streets. The proposed improvements include one 12-foot driving lane in each direction, a drainage ditch on the north and south sides of the road, and a new 8-foot pedestrian path to the north of the road and drainage ditch. Luminaires would be installed along the corridor. The project would remain within the City right-of-way. It traverses a residential neighborhood. The project is being funded through local funding and a grant from the Transportation Project Fund (TPF).
Modification 23-1 Application to Release All Financial Assurance, Permit, Silver Silica Mine
Oro Blanco Mining Company, LLC (Oro Blanco) submitted an application to the State of New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) to release all remaining financial assurance for the Silver Silica Mine, Permit No. SF003ME, in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. This application has been assigned to Modification 23-1.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is initiating a 5-year status review for 27 species, including the Colorado Pikeminnow. FMD is commenting on this status review.
Amended New Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application, Cebolleta Exploration Project
The Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received an amended permit application from Cibola Resources, LLC for a new minimal impact exploration permit in Cibola,
New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding this application. The application from the operator can be downloaded from MMD's website at
As noted in Section 1.0, ATC currently owns and operates the communications tower facility known as Mt. Taylor-Lamosca, NM / 4199, located at the above-referenced Subject Property. The existing facility currently consists of a a 62' self-support tower and associated ground-based support equipment within a 8' x 14' lease area. The proposed project consists of the decommissioning and removal of the existing tower and associated facility. For the purposes of this Report, EBI assessed an area of 70 feet in all directions from the tower and 30 feet from all access/utility routes.
Workplan for Road Repair, Summa Silver Mogollon Minimal Impact Exploration
Summa Silver Corp. is requesting approval from MMD to perform road repair on Fannie Road (Catron County C-040) during Mexican spotted owl seasonal closure.
The new facility, NMSVH Assisted Living and Small Homes, is a small housing (Green House) concept consisting of six individual living homes/units of approximately 10,000 square feet around courtyards and accessible gardens (Figure 1). The total site will occupy 4.5 acres. Each small unit is to have common areas with a shared kitchen/ pantry and large living and communal spaces including dining, laundry, and meeting rooms surrounded by 12 individual sleeping rooms with private baths. This Green House concept will help to reduce the institutional feel of a typical nursing home and provide a more familiar home-like setting environment, encouraging communication and relaxation. Due to an expedited schedule directed by the NM Governor's office, construction on the project began in July 2022. A biological resources survey was conducted in March 2023 by Souder, Miller & Associates.
Phase A/B study evaluating potential improvements on Loma Colorado for Segment 1, which is from Northern Boulevard to Huron Drive. Potential improvements could include widening, sidewalk additions and/or improvements, drainage improvements, etc. The Phase A/B study examines existing conditions where the proposed improvements might occur and evaluates various alternatives, based on roadway constraints, drainage issues, environmental resources, traffic operations, and other factors. At this time, project details, including type of equipment to be used, amount of ground disturbance, and necessity for wildlife surveys or mitigation is not known and will be determined at later stages of the project (Phase C/D).
Rio Chama Stewards Project is located in northern Rio Arriba County at the New Mexico/Colorado state line where the Rio Chama enters New Mexico. The private landowners whose property straddles the state line are the first recipients to see Rio Chama water come from its point of inception on the Rio Grande National Forest.
The project will consist of forest and watershed health improvement activities aimed at reducing forest density and hazardous fuel loading through thinning over 500 acres of high elevation mixed conifer and riparian forests that have a high to very high threat of severe wildfire and a moderate to high threat of post fire erosion. These stands are overstocked and have exceeded the 200-year fire interval that is typical of this forest type in the southwest. This work aims to continue efforts to return the landscape to a state of natural variability and lower the potential fire severity. Prior treatments have included commercial timber harvests, mechanical mastication, and small-scale aspen regeneration patch cuts. Biomass generated from forest thinning activities in the form of fuelwood will be made available via the Chama Peak Land Alliance community senior fuelwood program in partnership with the Upper Chama Soil and Water Conservation District.
The Village of Santa Clara intends to complete sidewalk and ADA improvements along Fort Bayard Street located within the village limits and within platted public right of way. The proposed project area is located within Township 18 South, Range 13 West, Section 2. The approximate latitude and longitude coordinates are - 32 degrees 46 minutes 38.54 seconds N, 108 degrees 9 minutes 10.16 seconds W.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is conducting a 5-year status review for the Pecos gambusia under the Endangered Species Act. A 5-year status review is based
on the best scientific and commercial data available at the time of the review; therefore, we are requesting submission of any such information that has become
available since the last review for the species.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is conducting a 5-year status review under the Endangered Species Act of 31 animal and plant species, including the Texas hornshell.
Search for the Final Comment Letter for a project that technical guidance staff at New Mexico Department of Game and Fish have reviewed using the filters below. If you select multiple search terms in the "Search Terms" box, the filter will return all projects that are associated with at least one of the search terms you selected.