Public Comment Letters

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Comment Title Description Search Terms Date Final Comment Letter
Ground Stone Farms Ground mounted solar panels .03 acre area. and 300ft of linear trenching to an existing building / electrical panel box. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2774.pdf
FY24 Riverside Drain Thinning Excavation on the outer bank of the East and West drains to provide a firebreak and create a road for emergency vehicle access. Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2776.pdf
FY24 MRGCD Invasive Thinning MRGCD Cut stump treatments (herbicide sprayed onto stump) of invasive trees and or foliar herbicide application. Removal of cut slash and dead and down material. Chainsaws, trucks, chippers and herbicide may be used. Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2775.pdf
Sugar Sand Bridge Replacement The project consists of obtaining soil samples for foundation recommendations and other subgrade recommendations for the bridge and pavement.(See attached for locations.)The soil borings will be advanced vertically using a rubber-tire, truck-mounted CME 75 drilling equipment, using hollow-stem auger drilling techniques (up to the depth of the groundwater table), and mud-rotary drilling techniques (below the groundwater table where applicable) to the planned termination depths, or to a depth of bedrock, whichever occurs first. Should bedrock be encountered more than 5 feet prior to our proposed boring termination depth(s), we will obtain 5-foot runs of rock core every 5 feet to a maximum of 15 feet of penetration into rock. Typical sampling intervals (every 2½ feet within the top 10 feet, and every 5 feet thereafter) are considered applicable to this project. Our exploration team will prepare field logs of soil borings as part of standard drilling operations including sampling depths, penetration distances, and other relevant sampling information. Samples will be obtained while the boring is being advanced by our drilling operations working under the direction of our field engineering staff or his/her representative. The field exploration will also include observations for free or perched groundwater (if encountered). This will occur during the exploration program while the boring is being advanced. No provisions have been made to collect water level data other than the observations made during the advancement of the borings. The borings will be backfilled immediately after their completion with auger cuttings or cement bentonite as required by the state engineer, if groundwater is exposed. The backfilled holes will be patched at the surface with cold (emulsified) asphaltic patch mixture if pavement was penetrated. Excess auger cuttings will be disposed of at the site by spreading them in areas immediately adjacent to each exploration point. No tap water used during mud rotary operations will be discharged in the area. It'll be recycled throughout the operation with a water pump attached to the drill rig. A mud pan will be used to prevent a flood area. When the holes are being backfilled with cement bentonite, the groundwater will be displaced at the surface of the hole but not in excess so as to cause damage away from the hole. The hole will not be more than 10-in in diameter. The project is expected to last 5 business days. Proposed Action, Roads and Bridges 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2778.pdf
Sugar Sand Bridge Soil Analysis The project consists of obtaining soil samples for foundation recommendations and other subgrade recommendations for the bridge and pavement.(See attached for locations.)The soil borings will be advanced vertically using a rubber-tire, truck-mounted CME 75 drilling equipment, using hollow-stem auger drilling techniques (up to the depth of the groundwater table), and mud-rotary drilling techniques (below the groundwater table where applicable) to the planned termination depths, or to a depth of bedrock, whichever occurs first. Should bedrock be encountered more than 5 feet prior to our proposed boring termination depth(s), we will obtain 5-foot runs of rock core every 5 feet to a maximum of 15 feet of penetration into rock. Typical sampling intervals (every 2½ feet within the top 10 feet, and every 5 feet thereafter) are considered applicable to this project. Our exploration team will prepare field logs of soil borings as part of standard drilling operations including sampling depths, penetration distances, and other relevant sampling information. Samples will be obtained while the boring is being advanced by our drilling operations working under the direction of our field engineering staff or his/her representative. The field exploration will also include observations for free or perched groundwater (if encountered). This will occur during the exploration program while the boring is being advanced. No provisions have been made to collect water level data other than the observations made during the advancement of the borings. The borings will be backfilled immediately after their completion with auger cuttings or cement bentonite as required by the state engineer, if groundwater is exposed. The backfilled holes will be patched at the surface with cold (emulsified) asphaltic patch mixture if pavement was penetrated. Excess auger cuttings will be disposed of at the site by spreading them in areas immediately adjacent to each exploration point. No tap water used during mud rotary operations will be discharged in the area. It'll be recycled throughout the operation with a water pump attached to the drill rig. A mud pan will be used to prevent a flood area. When the holes are being backfilled with cement bentonite, the groundwater will be displaced at the surface of the hole but not in excess so as to cause damage away from the hole. The hole will not be more than 10-in in diameter. The project is expected to last 5 business days. Proposed Action 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2779.pdf
Cañon Convenience Station SWPPP The Cañon Convenience Station (Facility) is an existing facility that is updating its Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for compliance with the 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP). Eligibility for coverage under the MSGP requires a determination to verify if there are any species that have been placed on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) threatened or endangered species list for the facility's defined Action Area, and that the Facility activities are not expected to adversely affect any such species. This request is submitted on behalf of the Facility for a review of the project by the Department of New Mexico Game and Fish regarding anticipated impacts of the project on any federally listed endangered or threatened species and/or their critical habitats. Proposed Action, Stormwater Management 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2780.pdf
Modification 23-1 Application for Star Lake Mine, Partial Release of Financial Assurance On June 5, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from Mesa Verde Humates, LLC, to modify permit number MK007ME. The application requests partial release of financial assurance associated with approximately 10.24 acres of reclamation performed at the Star Lake - Section 10 mine located in T19N, R6W, Section 10. This application is being processed as modification number 23-1 to permit MK007ME. Mine Permit 2023-08-14 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2781.pdf
Sandia Park The proposed undertaking is located 286 Nugent Road, Edgewood, Sante Fe County, New Mexico 87015 and consists of an 80-foot tall monopine telecommunication tower and associated equipment contained within a 60-foot by 60-foot lease area at the above property. The undertaking includes an existing 35-foot wide by 1,500-foot-long access/utility easement that extends northwest connecting with Nugent Road. Also included is an existing 25-foot wide by 2,400-foot-long access/utility easement that extends northeast connecting with Nugent Road. In total the proposed undertaking is approximately 116,100.00 square feet. The proposed tower site is approximately 7,080 feet above mean sea level (AMSL). Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2023-08-11 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2782.pdf
1686-01312023-AO Hobbs New Service Center MW Site Proposed construction of a new 295-foot (overall height) lattice (self-support) telecommunications tower and installation of associated equipment within an approximate 6,000 square foot lease area Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2023-08-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2770.pdf
DeTemple Ciudad Private Property Thinning of Pinyon/Juniper on 14.5 acres of private property to reduce fuel loads and create defensible space. Thinning will reduce basal area by 30 square feet per acre. Slash will be removed from site. Project will occur in fall 2023. Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-08-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2768.pdf
FY24 MRGCD Big Hole Restoration Dead and Down Treatment Removal of dead and downed material post-fire. Chainsaws, hand felling, trucks, and designated trails/roads will be used. Forest Thinning, Proposed Action 2023-08-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2777.pdf
Reynolds Solar Proposed solar facility in Otero County. Timing of activities such as, equipment and/or materials used, extent of ground disturbance, and wildlife surveys or mitigation are not known at this time. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-08-07 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2762.pdf
Reynolds Solar proposed solar facility in Otero County, NM. Project is in preliminary stages so info needed is not known or calculated Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-08-07 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2751.pdf
Event/ Emergency Event Center Year-Round Tourism Destination/ Emergency Center Building: 100,000 Square Feet Area Floor: 6,000 Square Feet Seating: 6,000 people. Heavy equipment and metal building materials will be used. Proposed Action, Recreation 2023-08-03 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2766.pdf
Las Cruces Solar Potential solar energy facility on approximately 40 acres in Dona Ana County. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-08-02 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2738.pdf
Ashley/Curry North Solar Project Proposed 3.125 MW solar project located in Curry County. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-08-01 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2726.pdf
SLT-Otero Solar Project Potential solar energy project site located on approximately 22 acres in Otero County, NM. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2721.pdf
SLT-Hildago Solar Project Proposed 3.75 MW solar project located on approximately 30 acres in Hildago County. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2720.pdf
Clovis Concrete North Solar Project Potential solar energy project located on approximately 46 acres outside of Clovis in Curry County. Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2719.pdf
NM6_TATUM_RELHR Our client proposes to build a 220-foot self-support communications tower with antennas at a centerline height of 195 feet, within a proposed 65-foot by 65-foot fenced compound in a new 100-foot by 100-foot lease area. A proposed 30-foot-wide utility easement, with a 12-foot-wide access road, will extend 192 feet east terminating at South G Avenue. The proposed tower compound lease area and the access/utility easement will be located within a grass covered lot. Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2759.pdf
160 Acres T&E species review for a site, no current construction of buildings currently planned. This property is vacant, with very little vegetation and rock mining operations. Timing - unsure. This is a preliminary assessment for the client. Threatened or Endangered Species 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2754.pdf
Poso RCCLA Restoration of Douglasf fir forest stands infected with Spruce Budworm. Forest Management, Proposed Action 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2748.pdf
NM07-127 Pacana Our client proposes to build a 60-foot tall monopine (overall 65 feet) within a 40-foot by 40-foot ground lease area enclosed within an 8-foot-tall CMU wall. A proposed underground power will run 65 feet from electrical area, west then southeast then northeast, to proposed disconnect bank. A proposed fiber will run 45 feet southeast from electrical area to proposed fiber vault, then 50 feet southeast to another proposed vault within a 5-foot utility easement. A proposed 12-foot-wide access easement will extend generally southeast to existing driveway adjacent to Calle Del Sur. This site is in a grass covered lot. Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2750.pdf
Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application Renewal and Modification, Summa Silver Mogollon Project On April 20, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from Everett Ecological, on behalf of Summa Silver Corporation, for a renewal and modification of their minimal impact exploration permit in Catron County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding this application. Mine Exploration, Mine Permit 2023-07-31 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2647.pdf
Valdez Unit 3 Year-round firewood harvesting activities using forestry tools including motorsaws and transportation of wood products off-site for firewood cutting and splitting. Forest Fuelwood Management, Proposed Action 2023-07-27 public_comment_letter_NMERT-2747.pdf
