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Final Comment Letter
Installation of mast arms, pedestrian crossing islands, and other safety equipment
In three locations, construct ADA-compliant road crossings. Total land disturbance for the three locations would be less than 0.1 acre.
This recovery plan draft provides a vision, strategy, and criteria thought necessary to recover the Arkansas River shiner. The recovery strategy is based on potential future conditions of the species that are reasonably likely to occur, depending on the level of conservation effort and severity of future threats (USFWS 2018, pp. 123-159). Based on the anticipated future conditions, measurable delisting criteria are provided that are designed to indicate when the threats have been removed or reduced to such an extent that the species may be considered for removal from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (delisting). Following the delisting criteria are specific recovery actions which further delineate the steps required to achieve delisting. In the final section of the plan, a time and cost estimate for implementation is provided. Recovery of the Arkansas River shiner is largely based on protecting existing populations and establishing a third population within the historical range of the species, along with achievement of the delisting criteria (Table 1). With successful implementation of this plan, recovery is estimated to occur by 2053 and cost approximately $89.2 million.
Draft Environmental Assessment and FONSI for the Water Control Plan for Operation of Abiquiu Dam, Rio Arriba County, NM
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, has conducted an environmental analysis in accordance with NEPA. The Water Control Plan for Operation of Abiquiu Dam addresses water management purposes, contractual updates directed by Congress, opportunities, and feasibility in Rio Arriba County, NM. The recommended plan includes changing conservation storage at the dam from a volume of 200,000 acre-feet to an elevation of 6230 NGVD29. It also includes amending or entering into new storage contracts/agreements with the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority and other users of storage space at the dam to allow for storage of San Juan-Chama project water and/or native Rio Grande system water up to elevation 6230 NGVD29.
SWQB Wetlands Program Development Grants - request for support letters
SWQB is applying for three EPA Wetlands Program Development Grants and is seeking letters of support from the NMDGF to attach to their proposals.
Proposal 1: "Springs Mapping Phase 1 and Technical Guide for Arid-Land Spring Wetlands." Proposal 2: "Wetlands Standards, Regulations, and Monitoring Team for New Mexico." Proposal 3: "New Mexico Rapid Assessment Method for Sub-Alpine Riverine Wetlands."
Our client proposes to construct a 199-foot self-support tower in a new 50-foot by 50-foot lease area. A proposed fiber conduit will be routed within a new 20-foot-wide utility/access easement extending from the lease area west then northwest for a total of approximately 430 feet, terminating at a proposed fiber vault within the right-of-way. A proposed 12-foot-wide utility easement will connect with the west end of the 20-foot-wide access/utility easement, extending approximately 300 feet southwest. Another proposed 12-foot-wide access easement will run approximately 30 feet along the west side of the lease area. The site is located in undeveloped dirt and grass covered land off the east side of Snell Road.
State Parks has identified an undertaking at Fenton Lake that involves replacing all 10 existing vault toilets. The first phase involves VT's #1, 6, 7, 9, and 10; the second phase is not in the design stage yet; two toilets will be replaced in situ, one slightly moved, and two moved to adjacent locations, all of which are shown. Our contractor, Otak, had their sub, SWCA, undertake the cultural, biological, and water assessments. We are currently working with Jack Young and the USFS on the cultural report, and have reached out to the USFS biologist for the BR and ARIR, but are also reaching out to your office for review of the BR and ARIR reports. Please note that SWCA reviewed areas much larger than necessary for these five small vault toilet APE's, although they do have those APE's marked in their maps. The BR report identified one suitable area for NM Meadow Jumping Mouse adjacent to VT #7, but not within the APE. The other four toilet areas do not have suitable habitat or identified impacts. As a result, SWCA determined that VT #7 will have potential affects, but no adverse effects, kicking in the USFWS' informal consultation level. We would like to have NMDGF's review and recommendations for avoidance if needed for the five vault toilet APE's based on state listings, and to confirm that your agency is fine with State Parks consulting with the USFWS as the project proponent and operator of the park.
This project will include the development of an 75,600-SF MOB and one 50,400-SF IRF Building located northeast of the intersection of Unser Boulevard SE and Wellspring Avenue SE in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
Monarch Butterfly Species Status Assessment Report Update (v2.2)
Review of updated SSA document for the monarch butterfly - a document used to inform the listing status of endangered species. The updated version (2.2) added new findings and reports from recent scientific studies since the original document publication in 2020.
Proposed construction of a new 265-foot (overall height) lattice (self-support) telecommunications tower and installation of associated equipment within an approximate 3,000 square-foot lease area.
City of Truth or Consequences Water Meter Replacement
The City of Truth or Consequences' CDBG Water Meter Replacement project will consist of the design and construction related to the replacement of aged and deteriorated water meter assemblies. The current manual read water meters will be replaced with new advanced metering infrastructure radio read meters. The meter replacements will take place throughout the municipal water system service area which includes the City of TorC and Village of Williamsburg. The condition and location of the meter assemblies varies widely throughout the service area and therefore the location of the assemblies and surface improvements to be replaced will vary as well. In locations where the existing meter assemblies have failed and are located within the sidewalks, the improvements will also include the replacement of the meter setters, meter cans, lids, plus the removal and replacement of the sidewalk section as needed to complete the installation.
The full scope of the project will include the replacement of approximately 981 meters, 98 meter assemblies and 88 square yards of sidewalk removal & replacements. The general scope of work is the same for the full and phased projects, with the only difference for the phased approach being a reduction in quantity. The state of the inflated construction costs will be the deciding factor for the overall completion of the intended project. The best-case scenario will involve reasonable bids for the completion of the work that will allow the City to replace all 981 water meters and accompanying appurtenances. The worst-case scenario will involve inflated bids, reducing the number of meters that can be replaced and therefore require a ranking and/or prioritization of replacing those meters that are in the worst condition first.
The NMDOT is modifying the I-25 interchange with US 380, which requires a natural resources survey as part of the Phase I-C process. The NR survey is scheduled Oct 14-16th.
This is a Forest Management Plan for the New Mexico Forestry Division forest stewardship program. This plan is for planning purposes only on private land.
This is a Forest Management Plan for the New Mexico Forestry Division forest stewardship program. This plan is for planning purposes only on private land.
The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) received an application from Frank Bain on July 10, 2023 for Modification 23-1 of HI018EM, a new minimal impact exploration permit in Hidalgo County, New Mexico.
Spaceport Technology and Reception Center Project Phase 1
Souder, Miller & Associates (SMA), on behalf of our client, Buffalo Design Architects, is preparing an Environmental Information Report pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Buffalo Design Architects has designed a multi-purpose Spaceport Technology and Reception Center (STARC) for Spaceport America (Proposed Action). The site is within the greater area included in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Spaceport America Commercial Launch Site, Sierra County, New Mexico (FAA, 2008). SMA is requesting consultation from your office regarding the potential impacts to environmental resources under your stewardship from the Proposed Action.
The Proposed Action is located in Sierra County, approximately 19 miles bearing 120° off North (i.e. southeast) from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico at latitude 32.988255, longitude -106.982347. The site is accessed from Interstate 25, via County Road E071/Upham Road. Traveling north on Upham road for 24 miles and east to County Road AO39 to the intersection of Road A021/Spaceport America Blvd and Discovery Road. The site is approximately 4,625 feet amsl and locally slopes southward toward the Aleman Draw to the south and west, Jornada Draw to the east and their confluence to the south.
The Proposed action is to construct one, 3-story 30,000 ft2 multi-use facility and two potential parking lots totaling up to approximately 14 acres (608,669 ft2) for overflow parking on previously disturbed land. The proposed action includes onsite water impoundment/retention and rainwater harvesting. The Spaceport Technology and Reception Center will house the Spaceport's core IT server center, staff offices and conference rooms, an Auditorium, food preparation and dining area, virtual experience center, and 2nd and 3rd floor lounge and viewing areas.
Currently the site is occupied by asphalt paved parking areas, water impoundments and "green space". The area surrounding the proposed action includes undeveloped native desert with other Spaceport America facilities and infrastructure located within 0.4 miles to the east. Please see attachment that includes a biological resources report.
The inquiry is used for a preliminary desktop assessment of a proposed access road. The information provided will help to identify potential fatal flaws, development constraints, and permitting and regulatory issues with the potential to delay or impede successful development of the Project. No site-specific environmental surveys were conducted.
The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division (OCD), Environmental Bureau, has reviewed a discharge permit application for ETC Texas Pipeline, LTD, Jal #3 Gas Plant. The discharge permit application was deemed administratively complete on 8/21/2023. Subsection E of NMAC requires the below information be posted on OCD's website and sent to those persons on a general and facility-specific list maintained by OCD.
ETC Texas Pipeline, LTD owns and operates the Jal #3 Gas Plant located in Section 33, Township 24 South, Range 37 East in Lea County (32.173543°N, 103.174206°W). The Plant processes and treats natural gas of up to 100 million standard cubic feet per day and 800 barrels per day of condensate which is sold to various oil and gas operators. All wastes (e.g., sludges, pigging waste, solids entrained in process streams, rainwater, spent amine, spent TEG, and used oil) are manifested or tracked with an appropriate contractor for transportation and disposal. All liquids utilized at the facility are stored in dedicated above ground or below-grade storage tanks prior to offsite disposal or recycling at an approved site. All storage tanks are within properly engineered secondary containments. Groundwater most likely to be affected is at a depth of approximately 80 feet below ground surface and total dissolved solids (TDS) can range from 320 milligrams per liter (mg/l) to 20,200 mg/l.
The OCD contact by which interested parties may obtain information, submit comments, and request to be placed on a facility-specific mailing list for future notices is Leigh Barr, Administrative Permitting Supervisor, 505-795-1722, The OCD mailing address is 1220 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505. The website address for discharge permit notices can be found at The OCD will accept comments and statements of interest regarding the discharge permit application and will create a facility-specific mailing list for persons who wish to receive future notices.
The Cutter Lateral Phase 6F Waterline Project would be extended to include an additional waterline that would better intertie with the existing water system where transmission and distribution bottlenecks occur and would increase the water system capacity for future water demands. The additional waterline would help to provide water to about 424 homes in the Huerfano and Tiis Tsoh Sikaad (Burnham) chapters that rely on the existing Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (NTUA) Carson-Burnham community water system.
The Cutter Lateral Phase 6F that includes 6.6 miles of waterlines and new tank site would be expanded to include 2.57 miles of waterline added to the DZ intertie alignment. This waterline would become a part of the NTUA Carson-Burnham community water system, distributing water to the 424 homes via the previously evaluated waterlines and water storage tank. The total area of disturbance would be approximately 31 acres in addition to the 82.3 acres for the original intertie lines and associated storage tanks and supply line for the Cutter Lateral 6F waterline project.
Work will occur under the supervision and approval from Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (Entity) experts.
As a continuation of the FY23 Peralta Riverside Drain Unit Project, Entity Project Managers have identified a 23-mile stretch of the riverside drains to the east and west of the Rio Grande starting from the southern boundary of Isleta Pueblo, through to the southern boundary of Valencia county. This will include the Upper Peralta, Lower Peralta, and Upper San Juan Riverside Drains on the east side of the river and the Upper Belen, Lower Belen, Upper Sabinal, and Lower Sabinal Riverside Drains on the west side of the river. See attached maps for Project Area. The Project Area is total of 145 acres. This work plan covers Phase 2 of the project which will treat 25 acres within this Project Area. Treatment will consist of cutting, excavating, and removing the vegetation within the outer banks of the Riverside Drains on the Entity's land. Forestry Division will select a thinning contractor from a statewide price agreement to complete the work as follows:
• The thinning contractor shall cut all trees and shrubs within the outer bank of the riverside drain right-of-way including the side slope unless identified by marking or flagging. This will be the east bank for drains east of the river and the west bank for drains west of the river. Entity Project Manager shall mark 'leave' trees prior to thinning.
• All trees and shrubs within the drain bank and slope of the drain to be cut shall have the root balls removed where feasible in the project area, if the Thinning Contractor is unable to remove root ball they shall notify the Entity Project Coordinator.
• Trees or shrubs to remain will be marked or flagged. Branches on the 'leave' vegetation shall be limbed to a minimum height of 13 feet to facilitate access by maintenance equipment.
• Tree felling must be away from private property boundaries and fences. Measures shall be taken to prevent damage to spoil bank levees on the opposite side of the drain.
• Cut and excavated vegetation must be removed immediately from inside the drain channel to prevent plugs.
• Boundary vegetation that is dead, has substantial dead wood, may imminently fall or cause damage to an Entity facility or pose an imminent public safety threat may also be removed at the determination of Entity or Forestry Division Project Manager.
• The Thinning Contractor shall chip all slash into the bed of a pickup truck or dump trailer for removal. All cut and mulched vegetation and root balls will be removed offsite and legally disposed.
• The thinning contractor shall obtain access to the project location through a Special Use License issued from the Entity by applying at and clicking on the Special Use icon.
October 2023 Forestry Division selects thinning contractor and issues a notice to proceed.
October 2023 Thinning contractor begins work.
October 2023 - May 2024 Entity and Forestry Division Project Managers conduct periodic inspections.
October 2023 - May 2024 Thinning contractor submits invoices to Forestry Division no more than twice monthly.
May 2024 Thinning contractor completes work and submits final invoice for payment to Forestry Division.
May 2024 Forestry Division and Entity Project Mangers conduct final inspection.
May 2024 Forestry Division provides Entity and thinning contractor with final inspection report and final invoice is paid to thinning contractor.
Project Completion Date: May 30th 2024.
New Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application, Peloton Group Drolte Hole
On August 10, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from The Peloton Group, LLC, for a new minimal impact exploration permit in Sierra County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding this application.
The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) received an application from Sierra Gold and Silver on July 28, 2023 for a new minimal impact exploration permit in Catron County, New Mexico. Sierra Gold and Silver Ltd. is proposing to drill 16 holes at 10 drill pad sites in Catron County, NM.
Search for the Final Comment Letter for a project that technical guidance staff at New Mexico Department of Game and Fish have reviewed using the filters below. If you select multiple search terms in the "Search Terms" box, the filter will return all projects that are associated with at least one of the search terms you selected.