Public Comment Letters

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Comment Title Description Search Terms Date Final Comment Letter
Incarnation New cell tower to be installed. Cell Tower 2022-04-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1778.pdf
Good 2 Fire Goat Rehab This is prescribed grazing within the burn scar of the Good 2 Fire. Goats will be used to browse on encroaching Russian olive and salt cedar. Livestock Grazing, Proposed Action 2022-04-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1774.pdf
Idalia Road Culvert Replacement The City of Rio Rancho (CoRR) proposes to re-design the Idalia Road crossing at Arroyo de la Barranca. The project has a two-fold purpose: First, to re-design the existing, four 67-inch by 95-inch arch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culverts to address capacity, erosion issues, and bank stabilization; and second, the proposed culverts will be extended to accommodate the future widening of Idalia Road. This project does not include widening Idalia Road. The current alignment, grades, and dimensions of the roadway will be restored following culvert construction. Guidance for the project will follow New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and CoRR requirements. The project site is located where Idalia Road crosses the Arroyo de la Barranca with an approximate size of 6.1 acres of public and private land ("subject property") in Sandoval County, New Mexico(see Appendix A, Figures A.1 and A.2). Idalia Road connects NM Highway 528 and Northern Boulevard. The surrounding area is a mix of residential and undeveloped land. Rio Rancho Middle School is located southwest of the project site. Idalia Road was paved in the late 1990s when the current culvert was designed and constructed. Rio Rancho has experienced significant growth since Idalia Road's initial construction. Weston Solutions contracted SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) to complete a pedestrian biological survey to identify, record, and assess any natural resources that might be affected within the area of potential effects (APE) for the proposed project, in accordance with New Mexico Department of Transportation guidelines. The results of the survey are presented in this biological survey report (BSR). The APE for new surface disturbance for consists of 6.06 acres (2.45 hectares) of private lands in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. The CoRR's purpose for this project is to design and construct a replacement road culvert crossing beneath Idalia Road to reduce a potential safety hazard. The existing culvert crossing is in danger of failing due to erosion damage and subsequently causing the collapse of a segment of Idalia Road itself, creating a significant safety hazard for motorists. The existing road culverts beneath Idalia Road are experiencing substantial erosion, particularly on the downstream side of Arroyo de la Baranca. Additionally, the current culvert crossing may not have sufficient capacity for runoff from the contributing watershed under future conditions. The project will involve demolition of a short segment of Idalia Road, excavation and removal of the existing corrugated metal pipes and concrete headwalls, construction of new concrete box culverts and concrete headwalls, construction of upstream and downstream erosion protection, backfill and reconstruction of Idalia Road, replacement of highway asphalt and striping, and removal and replacement of steel guardrails. The APE within the arroyo channel will be approximately 150 feet long and 60 feet wide and will include replacing culverts, building concrete headwalls, channel re-grading, and installing erosion protection. Along Idalia Road will be approximately 250 long and 60 feet wide and include excavation down to the culverts for replacement, reconstruction of the road corridor back up to grade, and replacing asphalt and guardrails. It is anticipated that the depth of excavation from the arroyo bottom will be no more than 3 to 5 feet. Roads and Bridges 2022-03-16 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1729.pdf
Tex and Joy Taylor Private Ownership 30 Acres Ponderosa Pine with some PJ Forest Stewardship Plan, Forest Thinning 2022-03-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1714.pdf
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Lagoon Area Rehabilitate Lagoons, construct new WWTP and LPD disposal field. Estimated disturbance 3 acres Proposed Action, Wastewater Treatment Plant 2022-03-07 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1708.pdf
Idalia Road Widening This is for the proposed widening of Idalia Road from Northern Boulevard to Iris Road. New lanes and walking paths would be added. Roads and Bridges 2022-03-07 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1696.pdf
Sky Ranch solar project Proposed Action, Solar Energy 2022-03-03 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1649.pdf
Jicarilla Natural Resource Management Plan The Jicarilla Apache Nation, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Jicarilla Agency, and the BIA Southwest Regional Office propose to develop a Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP). The NRMP would provide guidance for the management of natural resources on Tribal trust lands, while ensuring a healthy ecosystem and protection of cultural resources. The purpose of the proposal is to develop a Natural Resource Management Plan for the Jicarilla Apache Nation that is based on the requirements outlined in the American Indian Agricultural Resource Management Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-177). The American Indian Agricultural Resource Management Act states that the BIA will assist tribes in developing conservation and management plans to protect and preserve their natural resources on trust land and shared off-reservation resources. Although JAN has a current Integrated Resource Management Plan, a NRMP prepared by the Branch of Natural Resources will help further identify specific rangeland and agricultural resources, define alternative management objectives for these resources, and define actions that may be taken to implement these objectives. The IRMP, which identifies some specific tribal rangeland and agricultural issues and goals, would be supplemented with the more comprehensive data and management recommendations of the NRMP. Together the two documents would provide sound direction to manage the Jicarilla Apache Nation's rangeland and agricultural resources consistent with the Nation's plans to maintain and protect other values such as wildlife, fisheries, cultural values, and recreation, and to help regulate water runoff and minimize soil erosion. The NRMP would serve as the Tribe's long-term strategic vision for the range and agricultural components of the Natural Resources Branch. Proposed Action 2022-02-16 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1672.pdf
Zuni SLO Firewood Removal Thinning overstocked Pinon Juniper on encroaching ponderosa Forest Thinning 2022-02-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1643.pdf
D21139 FIRSTNET / SAC Wireless / Rio Arriba County, NM SAC Wireless, LLC on behalf of AT&T and Commnet, proposes to construct a telecommunications tower and a 30 by 30 ft. lease area to be located at approximately 14 County Road 324, Tierra Amarilla, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. The facility will include a self-supporting telecommunications tower with an approximate overall height of 70 ft. Access easement will extend generally northeast and connect with existing gravel access road on the parent parcel which connects with Highway 84. Utilities will tie into existing power on the parent parcel. Cell Tower 2022-02-07 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1635.pdf
Ruidoso utility project part 1 Just another utility review project Biological Assessment 2022-01-26 public_comment_letter_NMERT-1618.pdf
S&G FOR LIVESTOCK GRAZING MANAGEMENT S&G FOR LIVESTOCK GRAZING MANAGEMENT Livestock Grazing 1999-02-11 public_comment_letter_6674.pdf
