Search for the Final Comment Letter for a project that technical guidance staff at New Mexico Department of Game and Fish have reviewed using the filters below. If you select multiple search terms in the "Search Terms" box, the filter will return all projects that are associated with at least one of the search terms you selected.
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Final Comment Letter
SLT-Hildago Solar Project
Proposed 3.75 MW solar project located on approximately 30 acres in Hildago County.
Our client proposes to build a 220-foot self-support communications tower with antennas at a centerline height of 195 feet, within a proposed 65-foot by 65-foot fenced compound in a new 100-foot by 100-foot lease area. A proposed 30-foot-wide utility easement, with a 12-foot-wide access road, will extend 192 feet east terminating at South G Avenue. The proposed tower compound lease area and the access/utility easement will be located within a grass covered lot.
T&E species review for a site, no current construction of buildings currently planned. This property is vacant, with very little vegetation and rock mining operations. Timing - unsure. This is a preliminary assessment for the client.
Our client proposes to build a 60-foot tall monopine (overall 65 feet) within a 40-foot by 40-foot ground lease area enclosed within an 8-foot-tall CMU wall. A proposed underground power will run 65 feet from electrical area, west then southeast then northeast, to proposed disconnect bank. A proposed fiber will run 45 feet southeast from electrical area to proposed fiber vault, then 50 feet southeast to another proposed vault within a 5-foot utility easement. A proposed 12-foot-wide access easement will extend generally southeast to existing driveway adjacent to Calle Del Sur. This site is in a grass covered lot.
Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application Renewal and Modification, Summa Silver Mogollon Project
On April 20, 2023, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from Everett Ecological, on behalf of Summa Silver Corporation, for a renewal and modification of their minimal impact exploration permit in Catron County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding this application.
Year-round firewood harvesting activities using forestry tools including motorsaws and transportation of wood products off-site for firewood cutting and splitting.
Ground mounted solar project for agriculture producer
Ground mounted solar system to be installed on previously disturbed land due to agriculture operations of a dairy. Solar will be installed between July 2023 to September 2023.
A proposed 100' monopine within a 50' by 50' lease area. Also included are two easements, 50' by 2,481' existing access easement and a 21' by 278' utility easement.
A proposed 105' monopole telecommunications tower within a 75' by 75' lease area. Also includes a proposed 20' by ~85' access/utility easement. Additionally, a proposed 10' by ~82' utility easement.
New Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application, Bella Group Lode Exploration
The Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from New Metals Strategies, LLC, for a new minimal impact exploration permit in Sierra County, New Mexico.
Middle Rio Grande Lower San Acacia Reach Improvement Project Public Scoping Meeting EIS
The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) intends to realign a portion of the Rio Grande to the west of the existing channel between miles 74 and 54.5, all south of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge and north of Elephant Butte Reservoir. During this scoping phase, the BOR is requesting information on available data for the project area, natural resources known to occur in the project area, current resource uses, and how the proposed project would impact the resource or resource use. New information, different ways to meet the project's purpose, and factual corrections or information on sources of credible research or data are all appreciated. Project goals include increasing water delivered to Elephant Butte Reservoir; enhancing ecosystem health; and increasing benefits of system maintenance activities by working with geomorphic trends of the river.
Environmental Impact Statement, Public Meeting, River/Stream Management, Threatened or Endangered Species, Water Diversions/Irrigation
Environmental Assessment for a Proposed Terminal Replacement Project at the Clovis Regional Airport, Clovis, Curry County, NM
The City of Clovis is announcing its intent to prepare an Environmental Assessment pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for a proposed terminal replacement project at the Clovis Regional Airport. The project includes constructing a new terminal building and converting the old terminal to airport administrative offices and fixed-base operator space. The new terminal will increase capacity and passenger access, improve ADA compliance and energy efficiency (LEED), and improve airfield safety with sufficient security space for screening. The City of Clovis requests: comments on specific concerns or sensitive areas; identification of available technical information or established research methods; in formation on our role and interest in participating in the NEPA process; and a point of contact.
Aviation, Environmental Assessment, Urban Development
The Town of Tatum will plan, design, and construct water system improvements in Tatum, NM in Lea County Latitude 33.256349 and Longitude -103.308905. Improvements consist of: 68 sy pavement patching (6" base course and 2.5 HMA); 160 sy 6" base course patching; removal of structures and obstructions; 20 lf 24" curb and gutter; 8 fire hydrants; 4240 lf 6" PVC waterline 0-6' depth; 8 tie ins to existing waterline; 20 gate valves 6"; 7 water service lateral ¾" ; SWPPP Management; traffic control management; mobilization; traffic control devices; construction staking by contractor; testing allowance and clearing and grubbing
The City of Ruidoso Downs will plan, design and construct street & drainage improvements and water system improvements to Valley View Lane, located in the City of Ruidoso Downs, NM in Lincoln County (Latitude 33.32800; Longitude -105.59170). Improvements consist of approximately: unclassified excavation; 3,500 sy subgrade preparation, complete in place; 600 cy aggregate base course including placement and compaction complete in place; 2,800 lf curb and gutter, all types; 1,400 lf furnish and install 6" PVC waterlines, including trenching, backfill, fittings complete in place; 5 furnish and install 6" gate valve assembly complete w/valve box and concrete collar; 3 Furnish and install 6"fire hydrant assembly complete in place; 2 connections to existing water line, complete in place; 1,250 lf furnish and install ¾" SDR 7 HDPE Service Line, complete in place; 25 relocate/adjust meter to final grade; 2 adjust manhole to grade; temporary traffic control; mobilization/demobilization; construction staking; general site removal and disposal of structures and obstruction; contractor's quality control construction testing; temporary easement erosion and sediment control.
The Village of Hope will plan, design, construct water system improvements throughout the Village of Hope, NM in Eddy County; Latitude 32.810308 Longitude -104.734168. Water System Improvements consist of approximately: 2 backup generators with concrete pad and shade; 7 fire hydrants; 7 ties to existing waterline; 120 lf 6" PVC water line C-900; 25- 6" water valve and valve box; 7- 2" Radio Read Water Meters; 10 ¾" Radio Read Water Meters; Control Panel - Tank Level Control; mobilization; traffic control management; traffic control devices; contractor staking and testing allowance.
Our client proposes to build a 295-foot self-support communications tower, with an overall height of 315 feet, within a 100-foot by 100-foot (10,000-square-foot) lease area. A 30-foot wide, approximately 50 feet long access/utility easement, will extend South to Curry Road 13. A culvert is proposed at the end of the easement, along Curry Road 13. A fiber handhole and transformer are also proposed. The site is located in a grassy field.
South Central Rural Transit District (SCRTD) is a regional transit district serving incorporated and unincorporated communities in the counties of Dona Ana, Sierra, Otero, and El Paso counties; the cities of Anthony, El Paso, Elephant Butte, Las Cruces, Mesilla, and Sunland Park, and the Villages of Hatch and Williamsburg. The purpose of this proposed project is to replace gas powered buses with electric powered, install solar-powered charging stations, and purchase the current project site which is currently being leased. There is a need to help reduce air emissions as part of the goals laid out within the New Mexico State Management Plan. Additionally, by purchasing the land, the SCRTD would not be subjected to increased lease costs and the funds can be put to use on providing services to these low-income communities.
The SCRTD will be using federal funds to purchase three (3) battery electric replacement buses and electric charging infrastructure at the Sunland Park garage (295 Quinella Road) and staff training on the electric vehicle propulsion systems. The SCRTD will also use the funds to acquire the property that is currently leased.
The project area contains two existing buildings (Administration/Training and Maintenance buildings) and approximately 7.94 acres of disturbed, excess land. In total, the project area is 11.16 acres.
Construction of a 20-foot by 30-foot lease area. Additional support equipment will be located within 10-foot by 20-foot lease area. Access will be gained via a 12-foot wide proposed gravel access drive emanating north from Overlook Road for approximately 400 feet to the proposed facility. Utility route #1 will follow a 6-foot wide easement south to a proposed point-of-connection on Overlook Road. Utility Route #2 will be routed north and then east, for approximately 140 feet, within a 10-foot wide utility easement to a proposed utility pole.
Search for the Final Comment Letter for a project that technical guidance staff at New Mexico Department of Game and Fish have reviewed using the filters below. If you select multiple search terms in the "Search Terms" box, the filter will return all projects that are associated with at least one of the search terms you selected.