Public Comment Letters

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Comment Title Description Search Terms Date Final Comment Letter
Ciudad Weisburg Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-10-02 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3876.pdf
Ciudad Bodman Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-10-02 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3873.pdf
Environmental Assessment Addressing the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Use of the OT-10 Radiological Training Areas in KAFB Directed by the Department of Defense (DoD) to conduct training for military personnel in plutonium monitoring and contamination, the Atomic Weapons Training Group (AWTG) began training personnel at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) in 1958. With the resumption of nuclear testing in 1961, training with actual plutonium contamination at the NTS was no longer possible. As a result of studies to evaluate different materials to simulate plutonium, thorium was found as the best substitute and in 1961, eight sites were developed on Sandia Base nearer to the AWTG. In 1965, the training at these sites was expanded to allow all four Services to train on the sites as well as to help support nuclear weapons accident exercises. The eight OT-10 sites provided DoD personnel a training location to develop proficiency on a new detector for nuclear weapons accident response, known as FIDLER (Field Instrument for Detecting Low Energy Radiation). This instrument was developed to make it easier to locate, identify, and quantify radioactive material found in nuclear weapons accidents (primarily plutonium). The FIDLER measures photons (x-rays and gammas) in the 10-200 keV energy region. Plutonium emits x-rays in the 15-60 keV energy region. Thorium emits x-rays in the 10-120 keV energy region. These energy regions overlap, which is useful in detector response, and explains why the FIDLER was the main survey detector and instrumental in the cleanup of the nuclear weapons accident in Thule, Greenland in 1968. Thorium-232 is a long-lived (~14 billion year half-life) naturally occurring, radioisotope with a very similar x-ray energy to plutonium but much less toxic. Because of its properties, thorium oxide is ideal for providing consistency in the radiological conditions and being insoluble and heavier than local soil, it does not readily disperse into the environment. In 1971, the school was redesignated the Interservice Nuclear Weapons School (INWS) and moved under the Air Force to continue conducting response training on the eight sites which were moved onto the Air Force radiological materials license as it took over the old Sandia Base. In July 1974, the Air Force conducted an EA of the eight sites. Because of material settling over the years, more thorium was 'seeded' into the fields with the last re-seeding occurring in 1992. In 1993, the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) once again became proponent for Nuclear Weapons accident response training mission and the school was transferred back to the Agency with the school once again being renamed, this time to the Defense Nuclear Weapons School (DNWS). For real property and NRC licensing, the Air Force has retained control of the OT-10 sites. In 1995, the decision to remediate four of the sites was made and the remediation was completed with final site evaluation reports published in 2005. Today, the DNWS remains the primary users of the remaining four training sites designated, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is responsible for these operations; Training Site - 1 (TS-1) or convoy site, TS-2 or cargo plane site, TS-3 or B-52 site and TS-4 or helicopter site. Each area is approximately 11 acres in size for a total of approximately 44 acres. Due to a lack of simulated wreckage, active training has not been conducted at TS-4 for about ten years although there is school interest in updating the wreckage and training aids there. Currently, Training Sites 1-3 are still heavily used in the school's courses and exercises, approximately 700 personnel from all the Services and Interagency train on operations in an alpha-contaminated environment on these sites each year. DTRA proposes to continue conducting training activities at TS-1, TS-2, and TS-3 as well as resume training activities at TS-4. 2024-10-01 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3855.pdf
NM2_SEDAN Our client proposes to collocate nine (9) antennas at a centerline height of 143 feet on an existing 189-foot overall guyed tower. The proposed 12-foot by 20-foot lease area will be within an existing 44.5-foot by 36.3-foot fenced compound. A proposed 20-foot wide access easement will extend 259-feet generally northeast from the existing compound gate to County Road 402. A proposed 3-foot wide utility easement will extend 318-feet generally northwest to an existing pole. A fiber route extends northeast approximately 259-feet, and then west approximately 75-feet to a new fiber MMP. This site is in a gravel and grass covered area adjacent to County Road 402. Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2024-09-27 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3865.pdf
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Regional Special Use Airspace Optimization to Support Air Force Missions in Arizona The DAF is proposing to alleviate training shortfalls and address evolving training regional airspace needs by requesting that the Federal Aviation Administration implement regional airspace modifications to include: adjusting the times of use; adjusting the horizontal dimensions; adjusting the altitudes to support low-altitude training; authorizing supersonic training at lower altitudes; and authorizing the use of chaff and lowering the minimum release altitude for flares. The proposed action does not include the creation of new special use airspace or any changes at the installations, changes to land use beneath the airspace, or weapons release. Environmental Impact Statement, Military Operations 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3740.pdf
Ciudad Lufkin Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3850.pdf
Ciudad Watson Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3849.pdf
Ciudad Vachio Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3848.pdf
Ciudad Penkar Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3847.pdf
Ciudad Doak Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3845.pdf
Ciudad Hoffman Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3846.pdf
Ciudad Leuschel Private Property Thinning Thinning to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Forest Restoration, Proposed Action 2024-09-25 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3844.pdf
Minimal Impact Exploration Application, Creek Tunnel Mine On July 9, 2024 the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received an application from Steven Jackman for a minimal impact exploration permit called Creek Tunnel. The application proposes to excavate an old mine adit, creating 1 acre of disturbance. The proposed project site is approximately 1.5 miles south of Red River, NM off Forest Road 485. Mine Exploration, Mine Permit 2024-09-05 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3722.pdf
Programmatic EA Weapons Modernization Stationing, Field Operations, and Maintenance, Fort Bliss Army Reservation, El Paso Texas Purpose of the proposed action is to station and field new weapons at Fort Bliss to enhance the Army's ability to combat and defeat advanced future threats, integrate new and existing systems, provide new training capabilities, and provide support infrastructure to soldiers. The proposed action is needed to provide infrastructure and For Bliss soldiers, equipment, and weapons systems to be readily available for rapid deployment to any contingency of operations around the world. Military Operations, Proposed Action 2024-09-04 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3798.pdf
Modification 24-1, Eagle Mesa Mine On May 13, 2024 the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received an application from Rammsco Operations, Inc. ("Rammsco") to modify the minimal impact new mining permit for the Eagle Mesa Mine, Permit No. SA009MN. The application for permit modification was assigned Modification 24-1 by MMD. The Modification 24-1 application proposed a partial FA release for reclaimed acreage (2.12 acres) and to expand mining operations (6.6 acres) within their permit area under Permit No. SA009MN for the Eagle Mesa Mine, located in Sandoval County, New Mexico. MMD reviewed the Modification 24-1 application and deemed the application administratively complete. Mine Permit 2024-08-30 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3750.pdf
NM14-149 Grand Slam Update New 90-foot monopole tower within a 20-foot by 22-foot lease area and associated ground support equipment within a separate 20-foot by 30-foot fenced compound. Power will be routed north then east within a 10-foot wide utility easement from the proposed lease area to an existing utility pole. Fiber will be routed south within a 6-foot wide utility easement from the proposed lease area to a proposed fiber vault. Access will be gained via an existing access road within a 12-foot wide access easement. Cell Tower, Proposed Action 2024-08-29 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3747.pdf
Modification 24-1, Black Spring Mine, Partial Release of Financial Assurance On May 3, 2024, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department received an application for partial release of financial assurance associated with the Menefee Mining Black Springs Mine located in McKinley County, New Mexico. Pursuant to § NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding the request to modify permit number MK026MN. Mine Permit 2024-08-26 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3578.pdf
BLM FFO Farmington Mancos/Gallup Resource Management Plan Amendment The BLM Farmington Field Office Farmington Mancos/Gallup Resource Management Plan Amendment has been terminated as of July 12, 2024. The BLM is inviting comments that will help them determine whether to amend or revise the current, 2003 plan. Land Management Plan 2024-08-23 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3658.pdf
Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Modification Application, American Magnesium Little Mountain Project On July 23, 2024, the Mining and Minerals Division ("MMD") received a permit application from American Magnesium, LLC for a modification to their minimal impact exploration permit in Luna County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, MMD is requesting comments from your agency regarding this application. The application from the operator can be downloaded from MMD's website at: Mine Exploration, Mine Permit 2024-08-23 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3694.pdf
Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRW) nominations The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Surface Water Quality Bureau (SWQB) is nominating certain surface waters of the state as Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRWs). ONRWs are surface waters that receive enhanced protection against degradation under state and federal statutes and regulations. Degradation of baseline or existing water quality is not allowed in ONRWs except under limited circumstances. Proposed Rulemaking, Water Quality 2024-08-16 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3697.pdf
Minimal Impact Exploration Operation Permit Application, North Cebolleta Exploration Project. Pursuant to § NMAC, the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division has determined that a Minimal Impact Exploration Permit Application ("application") submitted on March 18, 2024 is administratively complete. The application was submitted by Cibola Resources LLC., for its North Cebolleta Exploration Project and proposes to disturb a total of up to 4.3 acres of Cebolleta Land Grant property (25 drill holes on 25 drill pads) within the boundaries of claim numbers identified in the application for exploration located approx. 4.7 miles SE of Seboyetta, NM off of Marquez Rd. in Cibola County New Mexico. Because Cibola Resources has agreed not to exceed 5 acres of total disturbance at all times, MMD is processing this application as a minimal impact exploration permit pursuant to § (A) NMAC. Mine Exploration, Mine Permit 2024-08-12 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3662.pdf
Laughlin Peak Mine, Minimal Impact New Mine Application, Uinta Basin Sand LLC Pursuant to NMAC, the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) has determined that a Minimal Impact New Mining Operation Permit Application (Application) submitted on July 15, 2024 is administratively complete. The Application was submitted by Uinta Basin Sand LLC, which will soon be Natural Pozzolan Resources LLC, (UBS-NPR). MMD is processing UBS-NPR's Application as a minimal impact new mining operation pursuant to NMAC and assigning the Laughlin Peak Mine Permit No. CO002MN. UBS-NPR proposes a surface mining operation for volcanic tephra and pumice with disturbance of not more than 10 acres at a time and concurrent reclamation. The proposed mine site is located approximately 19 miles southeast of Raton, New Mexico in Colfax County. Mine Permit 2024-08-08 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3655.pdf
Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment Addressing Energy Readiness Support, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) is proposing to install, operate, and maintain additional energy readiness systems at WSMR, New Mexico. The Proposed Action incorporates the use of various technological approaches to promote energy resiliency for WSMR. These technical approaches include (1) expanding the existing 6-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) system on the Main Post by adding a 20-MW solar PV system, with a the local utility company providing services (i.e., equipment, installation, operation, and maintenance) through a real estate transaction; (2) installing microgrid systems designed to incorporate carports and ground-level and roof-top PV panels at the Stallion Range Center and other locations where appropriate; (3) installing Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and additional generators powered by natural gas, propane, or diesel contributing to the desired goal of having 14 days of backup power capacity for critical facilities at the Main Post and Stallion Range Center cantonment areas; and (4) installing electric vehicle charging stations within disturbed areas near existing facilities. Environmental Assessment, Solar Energy 2024-08-06 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3628.pdf
Kit Carson Electric Kit Carson is planning a Fiber Optic line project for rural areas in Rio Arriba County. Kit Carson Electric Co-operative has prepared this Draft Plan of Development (POD) describing the proposed construction and operation of a Fiber optic line along pre-existing electric corridors that are owned and operated by Jemez Mountain Electric Co-operative. This project will take place on public land administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management/Farmington (Taos) Field Office (BLM), in addition to land administered by. Carson National Forest and Santa Fe National Forest. The proposed project is located in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, along an already existing utility corridor administered by Jemez Mountain Electric Co-operative, beginning in Gallina, and ending in Chili New Mexico. In order to construct, operate, and maintain a new fiber optic line across BLM, US Forest Service lands, State land, and DOD holdings, a broadband proposal for the placement of the fiber optic line from the USFS' Broadband Action Team (BAT) is sought. The proposed new fiber optic line is proposed to be underground and within the pre-existing utility corridors owned and operated by Jemez Mountains Electric Co-Op. A pre-existing memorandum has been attached that details the relationship between JMEC and Kit Carson EC. The grant process has been initiated by the United States Department of Agriculture's Connect3 Grant Program via Standard Form 299 (SF299). This POD follows guidance from the USFS Broadband's Request for Attachments outlined in Obtaining a permit. Proposed Action 2024-07-30 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3690.pdf
Forest Restoration stewardship management plan Stewardship plan to improve forest stand health and decrease catastrophic wildfire risk by reducing basal area (stand density), create and maintain defensible space around structures and buffer around property boarder. Reduce ladder fuels by thinning small trees in the understory of dominant trees. Promote a healthy forest stand by releasing some large dominate trees and improve resilience and tree vigor by thinning stands where appropriate. No forest thinning will be conducted at this time. Forest Restoration, Forest Stewardship Plan 2024-07-24 public_comment_letter_NMERT-3668.pdf
